I recently heard a Christian speaker talk about violence in Chicago. According to him, the answer to the problems plaguing the south and west sides of the city is simple: these communities need to embrace the Gospel. This is not an unusual way for Christians to think, of course, and it might seem to flow from some of the central tenets of the faith. Becoming Christian should make people better, right? If enough people are transformed, that should make neighborhoods better, too. Plus, we look around our churches and see a bunch of (mostly) nice, smiling people who seem unlikely to commit murder. It is only reasonable, then, to think that if we could only bring enough of our neighbors into the Church and into faith, then a host of societal problems would be solved. While I understand the temptation to think this way, I'm increasingly convinced that this is not how Christians should think and talk about social problems. I see three things wrong with this way of thinking:
My first concern has to do with why we apply it to certain problems and not others. It seems to me that we think policy and law enforcement are the answers to straightforward issues like traffic laws or infrastructure (well, except for this guy), but not complicated, difficult, or disheartening ones. I worry that evangelicals think evangelism is the answer to profound social problems like urban violence and poverty, either because these issues seem difficult or, because they don't understand the historical causes involved, the problems feel as inscrutable and unsolvable as natural disasters. It is almost a "God of the gaps" approach to politics: if we don’t see a historical cause or a simple political solution right away, then the solution must be God. This would mean we aren't committed to evangelism as a strategy of social change as a rule, but only when political solutions seem complicated and hard. The second problem I see with this way of thinking is that it can hide deep, unconscious prejudice. Let me explain: If we think we should share the Gospel with the poor as a solution to poverty, we imply that poor people are poor because they lack the Gospel, that they are not moral or Christian enough.* We reveal a judgment that poor people have caused their own poverty by a lack of moral character. This is, of course, the opposite of the biblical teaching on poverty (if you can find the passage where Jesus promises his followers that they won’t be poor if they accept the Gospel, please let me know). I don't think many in the “evangelism-is-the-answer" crowd mean to say poor people are poor because they are not Christian or moral enough (at least I hope not), but it is the direct implication of their position. The third problem is that spiritual revival just does not work as strategy for social justice. I believe it fails for three reasons: A) It is hard (impossible?) to produce a spiritual revival on demand, and thus this approach results only in hoping, praying, and inaction. Evangelicals are already working for revival. How can they suddenly spark one in response to a particular problem? If rapid spread of Christianity is your only solution and there is nothing new for you to do to make it happen, what are you actually doing about the problem? B) Even if we were able to succeed in making enough individuals Christian, this would not automatically show them what justice looks like in their particular situation in any detail. Remember: sincere and pious Christians supported royal rule by divine right, slavery, and misogyny for centuries. Making someone Christian does not make her know or do justice automatically, at least with any specificity, nor provide her a detailed political theory. C) Even if A and B were dealt with, spiritually regenerated Christians with a detailed vision of justice would nevertheless still need robust laws and political institutions. Being Christian and being perfect are not the same thing. Christians still need government to maintain order and serve the common good. I, at least, know that I’m putting people in danger when I speed, but I also know the presence of police prevents me from speeding more than my conscience does. So, in conclusion, is the Gospel the answer to social problems? Well, it depends. The Gospel does reveal the truth of the final eradication of society’s ills and the incarnation of perfect love and justice in the world to come. And yes, the Gospel provides a self-sacrificing, enemy-loving standard to which we hold all provisional political visions of justice. However, the Gospel is not a sufficient strategy to solve complex and entrenched societal problems. Don’t get me wrong: the Gospel matters. It transforms Christians and brings the church into being as a witness to the Kingdom of God which is breaking into the world. It forbids Christians from consenting to hate, neglect, and indifference, and teaches us to value the vulnerable and the marginalized. But it does not eradicate the persistent everyday problems of living on Earth between the first and second coming of Christ, nor remove the difficult political tasks we share with our neighbors—Muslims, atheists, and everybody else. We share with these fellow citizens the responsibility to learn something of history, sociology, ethics, and politics and to figure out the best way to use political and social institutions to restrain evil and promote peace and human flourishing. Political efforts for justice are hard work, just like growing food, curing diseases, pursuing scientific advances, and all the other challenges of living the lives God has given us in our time on this planet. The Gospel should energize us for this work, not shield us from the responsibility to pursue it. *if you think we solve poverty by sharing the Gospel with the rich, that is better and you avoid the current criticism, but not the third one, below.
Ryan Book
8/15/2016 10:06:03 pm
Dave...thank you. What you write is in me. But I need the help of people like you to organize it and crystalize it. I read your stuff and I just think, "Yes!...Yes!"
8/18/2016 07:51:45 am
Thank you for the encouraging words. It means a lot.
Ben Sheppard
8/15/2016 10:34:54 pm
I think your first point is a big one. Sometimes it seems like there's a defensiveness underlying evangelical responses to social and personal issues, where secular solutions to problems are rejected and evenly actively undermined because they encroach on what people have come to believe "only the Gospel" can fix.
Gina Snyder
8/16/2016 06:43:45 am
I hate to make comments unless they are positive and flattering :-/, but to be honest, you somewhat lost me in the first paragraph with "we look around our churches and see a bunch of (mostly) nice, smiling people who seem unlikely to commit murder." It was a cheap shot--and judgmental about Christians being judgmental. I look around my church and see fallen people, sinful people, who need Jesus. They often don't smell or look nice. Christ followers aren't perfect and know they aren't. We all need the gospel because we are all sinners. We also need laws and justice systems for the same reason. We also need to work for justice, because we desire to be the Body of Christ to this world. Please remember in your posts to not judge all Christ followers by the comments of a few Christians. And, we are all being transformed . . . It's just so easy to jump on the "Christian bashing" bandwagon.
8/16/2016 07:28:39 am
8/16/2016 07:36:00 am
The "(mostly)" part was meant to acknowledge that we all have people in our churches that aren't so nice and smiling. And that's ok!
Gina Snyder
8/16/2016 08:08:07 am
I'm sure I read into your post what wasn't intended--sorry. I've been noticing a lot of what I would call "Christian bashing" lately on blogs and posts, and it has me concerned and maybe oversensitive. I just know so many Christians in the trenches with the poor, the sick, and the defenseless. They are working for social justice. So, yes the world needs the gospel, the world needs Christians to follow Christ, and the world needs just laws. I'm done with my rant and will simmer down now :-)
8/16/2016 08:39:41 am
I hear that. It is precisely that drive to get in the trenches that I meant to defend and recommend. What I meant to express in the post was the insufficiency of evangelism as a means of social intervention. The gospel is, of course, vital to Christian motivation to do the work God calls us to. Sharing the gospel is not the extent of that work, and is no replacement for responsible citizenship. This is what I meant with my closing sentence: "The Gospel should energize us for this work, not shield us from the responsibility to pursue it."
Gary Corcoran
8/18/2016 07:24:23 am
Gary Corcoran
8/18/2016 07:34:37 am
I reread your article. Your final major paragraph answers my objection, I think. It may be clickbaitishness of your title that is ruffling my feathers. The gospel is the answer in the larger, cosmic sense and even as the source for Christian social action, but cannot offer the complex solutions to difficult social dilemmas that we desperately need. I agree with all of that. Still, I find myself worrying about relegating the gospel to "the by and by" or even to the position of "energizer." Thinking theologically about complex social problems would seem to require constant engagement and reflection on the gospel - for the Christian in any political space.
8/18/2016 08:30:36 am
Gary Corcoran
8/18/2016 02:32:09 pm
Kevin Yohpe
8/21/2016 02:27:24 pm
I’m glad I’m responding to this post after your exchange with Gary Corcoran and after your follow up in “On The Gospel and Good Government”. Both have addressed some points I wanted clarification on or wanted to respond to. I really think you have some great points and I generally appreciate your posts. (I’m a long time reader, first time respond-er.)
Kevin Yohpe
8/31/2016 08:25:50 pm
Okay, I’ve given you long enough to reply to my post. On to some other things I’ve been thinking about and need to respond to.
9/1/2016 02:33:34 pm
Kevin, my previous reply was to your first post. To your second, I would say that I think we are getting my message confused. I never said that "the gospel" was one thing or another. The position I'm addressing is the one that says what is needed for the violence to end on the south side is for the people in that neighborhood to embrace the gospel, by which the speaker meant become Christian (as was clear from context). I said nothing about what the work of gospel transformation should mean as a goal for the rest of us. The claim I was responding to was that it was the personal moral responsibility of the people in the neighborhood to embrace Jesus and stop the killings. My reasons why that is a bad strategy apply to that position, not to someone who thinks "the gospel" has a really broad definition and thinks we should do all the things involved. If you think spreading the gospel means working to change policies and institutions, more power to you. I have not problem with that.
9/1/2016 02:27:07 pm
Thanks for taking the time to read so carefully what I wrote. I've been traveling for a few days and have been looking forward to getting a chance to respond to you. You wrote the following: "I think you should argue to Christians that learning something of history, sociology, ethics, and politics and figuring out the best way to use political and social institutions to restrain evil and promote peace and human flourishing IS part of the Gospel." I think we agree about that. I also think I really meant it when I said that sometimes the gospel is not the answer.
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